Tomorrow's binary will contain the new contact list code. Please report any crashes, bugs, strange behavior you experience :-)

The areas of interest are:
- Add contact menu item
- Add group menu item
- Delete selection menu item
- Re-ordering of contacts and groups directly on the contact list (If you're in manual order mode)
- Ability to de-group contacts, and to create groups within groups

We've also changed the behavior of the 'source' account menus (For those with multiple accounts on the same service), and a few other areas related to contacts.

The 'Contact list editor' window will be removed in time. Please use the inline editing functions whenever possible. No bug reports for the contact list editor window please! :-)

A few notes:
- Your list changes are applied server-side! Keep this in mind and please backup your contact lists before playing.
- Groups are always visible at the moment, even when they contain no online contacts. This is temporary.
- Groups cannot be moved into each-other yet. However, you can create nested groups by creating a new group named like 'Friends:School' or 'Family:Old'.
- There is currently no way to edit offline contacts on the contact list. This is temporary. You can delete offline contacts at the moment using the list editor window.
- Icons are not being loaded from the address book. We are investigating a fix to this issue.