Benjamin Costello just asked me to relay his words to you:

"Hello friends,

After many months of consideration and many hours of coding, I am very happy to announce the rebirth of Adium X(tras)!

Here's the deal:

  • The site is now fully dynamic -- meaning that it is database driven and has all the powers that come along with -- these primary make it easy to manage for you, and for the moderators
  • Each xtra has its own detail page with user comments and user ratings
  • X(tra) creators can upload their own xtras, including a custom thumbnail image, and unlimited preview images
  • Registration is required to upload and manage your own X(tras), but anyone can browse and download

Please feel free to leave any comments here in this topic.

Thanks to everyone who helped test / etc. -- I'll have a credits page up at some point.

So, please add your xtras!"

Go go GO and click the top right button that says, go figure, Xtras!