A lot of people are coming into the Adium and Growl IRC channels asking how to enable Growl in Adium 0.7x. Here's how to do it:

  1. Quit Adium.
  2. Get Info on Adium in the Finder.
  3. Expand the 'Plugins' section (if it isn't already expanded) by clicking on the disclosure triangle.
  4. Check the box for Growl.AdiumPlugin.
  5. Launch Adium.

Also, we're seeing a lot of crash logs from ancient versions of Adium - as far back as 0.6x! If it's a random crash, that's OK, go ahead and submit it. But if it's reproducible, make sure you have the latest version, and if you don't, PLEASE update first, and then try the same steps with that.