Evan, Colin and myself all went to Chicago over the weekend. For those who do not know, we were there for a gathering of developers called c4.

The highlights:

  • All planes except for mine were late coming in. Mine was late leaving Chicago on Sunday.

  • The transportation system in Chicago rocks. Evan and I are both from the Southern part of the states, and nobody in these areas seems to take public transportation. If we had something like the L in Houston I'd take it everywhere I could.

  • Colin almost died.

  • I got lost on the L at 3 am in the morning on Saturday.

  • This is the first time Evan, Colin or myself have met each other in real life.

  • Colin and I did not get a chance to try Chicago style pizza.

There were others, but those seem to come to mind the quickest. There were some awesome presentations, and we got to meet a lot of great people. Colin and I went to the Sunday event at Adler and I got to show off the app Evan and I are working on to a few people.

Here Colin is at Jak's Tap:

Here's Evan at Jak's Tap:

Evan and Colin outside with DrunkenBatman and some other dudes:

Here I am at the Greek place we ended up at on Friday night:

The best part is that we had a really great time. We even talked about Adium and Growl a little bit. I definitely plan to go to c4 again next year.

I enjoyed meeting new people the most. I got to meetup with Daniel Jalkut, Justin Miller, Travis Cripps and many other great people. It was just an awesome thing to do, and I'm sure as hell glad I went.