Chris Forsythe, aka The_Tick , is retiring from the position of Adium Project Manager after 3 years of hard work in that capacity and several years before that of deep involvement in the Adium community. As Project Manager, Chris helped ensure that the diverse assets of the community - web site, support network, forums, etc. - ran smoothly and aided in directing the project itself. On behalf of the team and all who have benefited from his dedicated efforts, I'd like to thank Chris heartily :)
Eric Richie , who wrote the in-application help for Adium and heads the Ticket Task Force, has volunteered to step up into the position and is the new Adium Project Manager. :)
Do not post bugs or requests to the comments! Use Trac.
Saturday, March 01, 2008
Thanks for all the time and effort you dedicated to this project Chris! Adium is one of the most impressive open source apps on the Mac, and periodic browsing of the forums has made me appreciate all the work you (and of course the entire team) put into it. You've done an admirable job making Adium into a very high quality IM client. There's a tricky line between customisability and simplicity. With the huge number of feature requests every day, I'm happy to see how well Adium has balanced the two, I'm sure in large part due to your management of the project. Here's hoping things continue in the same vein. And that we see you, Chris, pop up in other areas of the Mac community.
Good luck, Chris! I'm sure whatever you do next will be a fantastic success.
I'm sure we'll keep in touch :)
I'm sure we'll keep in touch :)
Goodbye Chris! Thank you for your help, and I hope that you will enjoy your new "freetime".
WELCOME Eric in this new work! The Duck needs you! ;)
WELCOME Eric in this new work! The Duck needs you! ;)
Thank you so much for contributing to this wonderful project! Hope to see you around!
Thank you so much for contributing to this wonderful project! Hope to see you around!
the_tick ... thanks for all your work in helping to bring this awesome software to the masses! Good luck in your future projects.
I've not been a common speaker here, however, I wish Chris good fortune in whatever you take on. I've got confidence in Eric and the rest of the team.
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