As always, thanks to our site and support host Network Redux and our download host CacheFly. Want to help out with development? See Contributing to Adium for information on bug hunting, coding, and donating. :)
If you downloaded Adium 1.0.1 beta 1 previously, you'll need to manually update to beta 2; beta 1 incorrectly reports itself to the version checker as 1.0.1 final, so it won't see beta 2 as an update.
Those of you who use reddit (like Colin and I do, among others) have probably noticed this already, but reddit's logo since yesterday has Adiumy in it. Presumably, this is to celebrate the release of Adium 1.0. Thanks!
This isn't the first time that the reddit artist, Alexis Ohanian, has done something cool and Adium-related: He made a reddit Dock icon set previously.
UPDATE: Ohanian has his own blog post about it.
We've received a number of emails telling us that the Customize Toolbar menu item is grayed out [when the Contact List is frontmost], or asking us what happened what happened to the Contact List toolbar.
For those who don't know what it is that they're asking about: In 0.89.1, the Contact List had a toolbar:
We didn't realize that this was so popular. We replaced it with this much simpler toolbar:
This is the only possible toolbar in Adium 1.0—the old one is gone. And come to find out, a lot of you miss it.
So we are now looking at ways to bring back the functionality of the old toolbar in some future version. In the meantime, here are some workarounds:
- Toggle Groups Display: View menu→Show Groups
- Add Group: Contact menu→Add Group… (or ⇧⌘D)
- Preferences: Adium menu→Preferences… (or ⌘,)
- View Logs: Contact menu→View Chat Transcripts (or ⌘L)
- Message: Double-click on a contact
- Show Info: Contact menu→Get Info (or ⌘I)
- Toggle Offline Contacts: View menu→Show Offline Contacts (or ⇧⌘H)
- Add Contact: Contact menu→Add Contact… (or ⌘D)
- Send File: Contact menu→Send File (or ⇧⌘F)
We do ask that you give 1.0 a fair shake. Certainly all of us have not been using this—that's why it's been so surprising to find out that it was in such wide use. So we know that it is possible to use and enjoy Adium without needing the Contact List toolbar. Please give it a try.
If you really, really can't go without those toolbar items, and don't mind running a now-unsupported version of Adium, you can get 0.89.1 from the link on the front page (which we put there for Jaguar users).
We mentioned in the release announcement that Adium 1.0 supports custom emoticons. We've had some people on the forums and on the IRC channel (among other places) questioning this, saying that “when my buddies send me an emoticon i don't see anything.I only see the text...”.
In order to receive custom emoticons, you must turn them on. This is in the Preferences, on the Advanced pane, in the MSN section. This checkbox is supposed to be turned on by default, but there's a bug in the code that looks for the default settings (which I've filed as #6212).
With over 600 enhancements and bug fixes, Adium 1.0 is the culmination of over a year and a half of development. New features include a shiny new default appearance, an installation setup assistant, improved account management, privacy management, iTunes Now Playing status, optional Dock-like hiding of the contact list, grouping of saved status messages, a redesigned chat transcript viewer with improved searching, and much more. Adium 1.0 includes service-specific improvements such as AIM file transfer and Direct Connect image transfer improvements, Yahoo invisible status, receiving of MSN custom emoticons, and Google Talk buddy icons and typing indication support.
Adium 1.0 also adds QQ messaging support to its repertoire of 13 services which include AIM, MSN, Google Talk, and Yahoo. It is fast, lightweight, highly customizable, and has now been translated into 20 languages in addition to its native English.
The full changelog is available here... you might want to go get a cup of coffee while it's loading, as it's a beast.
What's all that mean? Well, for starters, it means you've got one heck of an instant messaging client on your hands. Enjoy!
It also means that you're enjoying the fruits of labor of a lot of hard working, brilliant, volunteer developers -- the Adium Team, that is, (us!) along with fellow open source coders like our friends over at Gaim, Growl, Sparkle, Off-the-Record Messaging, and ShortcutRecorder, just to name a few.
Sound exciting? It is. Check out Contributing To Adium for more on how you can help with development, from supporting other users to writing code to donating support further development efforts. (update: The link to contributing is down because it depends on Trac, which was not designed to handle digg + slashdot + the rest of the Internet. If you're looking for the Adium 1.0 source, look no further. Trac and our Subversion repository will be publicly available again once the server is a bit calmer. Thanks for your paitence!)
And speaking of donating, I'd like to thank our network hosts for their awesome service and support. NetworkRedux hosts our code, website, and mailing lists, including the Trac support site and, home of all sorts of add-ons to Adium. CocoaForge hosts the Adium Forums. Finally, CacheFly hosts the Adium download itself. Thanks to them and to the fantastic Adium community for helping Adium get so far. :)