Do not post bugs or requests to the comments! Use Trac.
Wednesday, May 26, 2004
Hello there,

Just a note to thank all the wonderful people who has submitted stuff to the Xtras site, in less than 15 days there are more than 150 Xtras in the site. That's an average of more than 10 Xtras submitted per day.

It's really amazing, a big thank you to the Adium community and of course the one who made the new Xtras site possible, Benjamin ;-)
Friday, May 21, 2004
Hey, look. There it is! :-)

Adium 0.57 is now available, and fixes tons of bugs and issues. Check the changes for a full list. Enjoy :-)
Adium 0.57 will be out later today. We're waiting for it to spread to all the mirrors :-)
Monday, May 17, 2004
Our known issues list is now publicly viewable (Link available in the sidebar -->).

If you're experiencing an issue on that list, there is no need to report it unless you have additional information that may help us fix it. As we fix bugs they will be removed from the list, but the fixes will not be available until the next Adium release.

The following 0.56 issues have already been fixed and are waiting for this Friday's 0.57 release:
- HTML appearing at the beginning of outgoing MSN messages
- MSN display names not appearing, AIM names lacking formatting
- Multiple tabs being created for a single contact
- Contact ordering not saving on quit
- Custom sound alerts not working

The past 2 weeks of exams and school projects really took a beating on us, but almost all of that has cleared up now. Thanks for your patience. We've got some exciting stuff planned for the next few months :-).
Sunday, May 16, 2004
We have a howto for getting onto the Adium irc channel now. Here ya go:

IRC Howto
I have only 1 exam to go, and then I'm free for the summer! Hurrah! :-D

I hope to start going through this past week's emails soon. Sorry if you've emailed and haven't yet received a reply :-).
Friday, May 14, 2004
Adium 0.56 is now available! :-)

This release adds 'Insert Emoticon' menus and fixes a number of crashers and bugs.
In Adium 0.54 we changed the way Adium communicated with its protocol plugins. The change was designed to prevent Adium from becoming unresponsive or beach-balling when the protocol plugin was busy (such as while connecting or disconnecting) and when the internet connection was congested or slow.

Unfortunately these changes caused some users to experience a lot of instability. Adium 0.56 will temporarily go back to the old method of communicating with the protocol plugins. This means that it may feel as if responsiveness has decreased (Especially during heavy traffic or on slow network connections). We hope to resolve the crashes in our new code soon and re-include it for a future release. :-)
Thursday, May 13, 2004
Benjamin Costello just asked me to relay his words to you:

"Hello friends,

After many months of consideration and many hours of coding, I am very happy to announce the rebirth of Adium X(tras)!

Here's the deal:

  • The site is now fully dynamic -- meaning that it is database driven and has all the powers that come along with -- these primary make it easy to manage for you, and for the moderators
  • Each xtra has its own detail page with user comments and user ratings
  • X(tra) creators can upload their own xtras, including a custom thumbnail image, and unlimited preview images
  • Registration is required to upload and manage your own X(tras), but anyone can browse and download

Please feel free to leave any comments here in this topic.

Thanks to everyone who helped test / etc. -- I'll have a credits page up at some point.

So, please add your xtras!"

Go go GO and click the top right button that says, go figure, Xtras!
Tuesday, May 11, 2004
The forums are temporarily down due to some hardware issues. Hopefully things will be resolved by thursday.
Saturday, May 08, 2004
I just graduated.


Batchelor of Science in Mathematics, Michigan Technological University. Now only 6 more years of grad school to go...
So 0.55 is released. That was fast, wasn't it?

It fixes the infamous crash on connect for a lot of Yahoo users, along other minor things. There are still some bugs, like the custom sound one and a crasher if you try to select a custom color for your outgoing text. The latter is already fixed in source for 0.56, that should arrive as expected next friday.

Hey everyone, hope you're enjoying 0.54. You may have noticed the Nightmare duck on the disk image. Don't worry, he won't bite. Your selected dock icon will return as soon as Adium starts up. We're taking a page from Apple's book: each week, Adium will have a new duck. Ducks, large cats, same thing, right? :-)

By the way, how was the AP Computer exam? I took AB last year and A the year before, and I hear it's in Java now. Feel free to email me what you thought of the test, and your thoughts on Java (as opposed to C++, which is what it used to be). Look forward to 0.55, it's gonna be ducky!
Friday, May 07, 2004
Hello there version 0.54 released, we hope you enjoy it a lot.

Please read these known issues:

  • The "Custom..." option in soundset preferences doesn't work.
  • In the message history display, the header timestamps are not displaying properly.
  • Yahoo accounts will crash at sign on if privacy settings are enabled via an official client. Very sorry about the inconvenience on that one.
Adium 0.54 is now available, and it's a solid release with a lot of good bug fixes. :) Of particular note, performance (especially during connect time) should be significantly improved; AIM file sending is working again; the WebKit message view will work for our Chinese and Japanese speaking friends now; and several MSN issues including a common freeze when sending an ampersand and were solved.

As always, check out the Version History to the right for a complete list of changes, as a lot more than just that was changed by your ever-vigilant Adium team.